Girls, we like our products. And we're always in search of that next cosmetic miracle. None of us has the funds to try every new product that gets our attention, so here are the observations I've made on various beauty products I've tried. Hey, if it helps one person save a buck or snag that soon-to-be-treasured beauty breakthrough, my job here is complete. Cosmetic junkies, unite!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cleaning shortcuts

In honor of all my work friends heading to Haiti to take part in the relief efforts there, I wanted to share one of my favorite items for getting clean sans shower.  These body cleansing wipes, again, by DHC skincare are perfect for mission trips, camping, or just a quick refresher at the gym.  And they're cheap!  My mom and stepdad just returned from a 10-day trip to Peru, and I bought them about 3 boxes worth.  She said they were very useful.  I'm not suggesting a shower boycott; I'm simply trying to help a sister out when a shower's not an option!

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