Girls, we like our products. And we're always in search of that next cosmetic miracle. None of us has the funds to try every new product that gets our attention, so here are the observations I've made on various beauty products I've tried. Hey, if it helps one person save a buck or snag that soon-to-be-treasured beauty breakthrough, my job here is complete. Cosmetic junkies, unite!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Show and Tell

If you're a basic foundation/blush/mascara girl, or maybe you're just now dipping your toes into the infinite pool of eye makeup possibilities, this post is dedicated to you.  I was once in your shoes - well, kinda.  There was a specific turning point where one of my best friends (and my roommate at the time), Brittany, made me realize that the world of artistry surrounding the eyes was a vast one...and it was calling my name.  I started realizing that with different brushes and strategic placement of various eyeshadow shades and liners - and sometimes shadows used AS liners - I could create masterpieces.  Ok, it's not that dramatic, but I still enjoy my daily application of eye makeup.  It's a creative outlet for me.

So here's what you need: a great starting brush set  This guy's got everything you need: a big brush for broad application, a skinny one for liquid or potted liner, a perfectly-domed one for shading right inside the crease, and a smudger to make any eyeliner look like the "smoky eye". 

And just for fun, I'm going to include a small video gift I made for my sister explaining what I bought her for her birthday (hence the title) and how to use them.  The other gift was this: an eyeshadow set from LORAC ,  and you'll see me explain it as well.

I hope this helps!  Shoot me any questions or suggestions.  Is anyone even reading this?  Are y'all out there?  ;)


  1. I'm far intriguing since you know I don't have or use makeup skills much. Pretty much the same routine for me, alteast for now. I loved the video...maybe it was just getting to see your pretty face since I haven't been able to in a while. Keep up the good tips and fun blogging!
    Miss ya and love ya!

  2. Oh, Natty-nat, I love you back, lady! Maybe we can play with makeup if y'all make it up here in March! Miss you, Brad, and Dakota. Can't wait to meet the new little one.

  3. Ummmm...I'm so glad I could be the one to open the world of eye artistry to you!! I miss our fun exploration of "What color should my eye lids be today??" Hellotha...what are you wearing...duh!!!
    I miss you so much!!! Love you friend!!
    ps...move to TX...we have a spare bedroom...Caleb won't care!!

  4. Lauren...just so you know, Britt called me a "hoe bag" after reading your entry post/comment. That's how she found out I was pregnant. Just thought you would like to know that! To both of you...I didn't realize you could actually spell out the lisp you used to talk with...impressive!
